Chuckie SLy
Head of InFROmation
Born breech in 2009, Chuckie Sly has been ready for war since day 1. No hair shears formed against her shall prosper. She longs to live in a society that will allow her to wear both her picked out fro AND a tiara to school at the same dang time. "I'm the color of chocolate, my daddy is the color of chocolate, my brother is the color of chocolate, and my mom is the color of the wallpaper."-Chuckie Sly
Head of InFROtration
Daughter of a Dope Dallas DJ, L-Boogie knows how to keep the party going. When she's not sitting on her thrown as the Head of InFROtration, you can normally find her on the dance floor breaking out dance moves such as the 'Look at the Bugs'. L-Boogie loves her tresses and is only best friends with everyone in the room. "I like my hair because it's curly, and everyone knows curly girls have the most fun!"-L-Boogie
Minister of Messes
Although he has been a member of the Frogressive Party for a short period of time, Trippy has made his value known in his role as the Minister of Messes. In just 22 short months, Tripp has destroyed every piece of nice furniture his parents own. He feels like his impact in the world is greater than fine leather headboards and sofas. "Me, Mine, Mine, Head."-Trippy